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Project #3: Kinetic Typography

For the kinetic typography project, I knew right away I was going to choose a song from my favorite band: Mastodon.  Their unique progressive metal sound inspires images and themes into my head every time I listen to them, so I knew I would have a blast animating lyrics to coincide with one of their songs.  For this project I also got to create an Animatic Story Board, something I had never done before which was actually very helpful for focusing my vision for the project.

Here are both the animatic and final product!

Animating the first 30 seconds of the 13 minute long epic "The Last Baron" was very interesting; the further I got along with the project, the more comfortable I became with After Effects, and the more I decided to challenge myself with the program.  Making the lyric "ablaze" spin after a musical tension release was among the most enjoyable moments of the project, and I also had a lot of fun playing with the blur effect on the repeated and muffled lyric "please".

The most challenging parts of the project were creating a path mask with the pen tool; problem solving in moments like these helped me grow more comfortable with Adobe After Effects.

I also used Adobe Animate to draw the backgrounds which are inspired by multiple Mastodon album covers, and I used a bit of frame by frame animation within Adobe Animate as well with the Leviathan animation near the end of the clip circling around the creature.  Combing the two programs was most enjoyable because now I feel comfortable with the two and had a great time creating this animation.  Looking forward to the puppet walk!


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