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Showing posts from October, 2017

Assignment #3: After Effects Bouncing Ball

The second bouncing ball assignment was a lot different, mostly because Adobe After Effects is quite different from Adobe Animate.  The new program is interesting and exciting, yet since I am not quite used to it, it definitely offers some exciting challenges.  As opposed to the Pink Floyd album cover that I used for my last "Bouncing Ball with Obstacle" animation, in After Effects I thought it would be interesting to experiment with the shape tool to create a background; this time I decided to create a  "Super Mario Bros." meets David Lean background, taking color scheme influence from the film "Lawrence of Arabia".  Animating the bouncing ball itself was much different in After Effects; I found the timing to be much more challenging than it was in Adobe Animate, however on the contrary keeping volume control was much easier this time around due to the scaling option which allowed it to be kept at a consistent rate.  This tool was very helpful!  I defin

Project #2: Weight

The weight project was a lot of fun; I have grown to especially enjoy working with the Adobe Animate program!  For this project I chose to have a scene with Star Wars characters C3P0 and R2-D2; C3P0 has to lift R2.  I began with a ruff outline before I drew the character of C3P0: Some of the challenges included animating the character's knees to show weight and making sure the weight of the object stays constant the whole time.  Frame by frame got a bit challenging here, especially when it came to consistency in the volumes.  It was also a bit of a challenge not having the rotoscope to trace; that was a help with volume control since I was tracing real actors, but this time I had to really keep track of the onion skinning tool and make sure they stayed consistent. Using reference footage was fun, too!  It was a great project and I definitely feel a lot more comfortable with Adobe Animate.